Guidelines for Funding Projects

The following guidelines have been established by the West Coast District Dental Association Fund for reviewing requests for funding:
- Objective of Project: The objectives of the project must be well defined and measurable and must address the West Coast District Dental Association Fund’s mission which is to generate and direct resources for charitable and educational oral health programs for the people of the West Coast District in the state of Florida. Dental care programs should be directed at dental disease prevention/oral disease prevention services.
- Purpose of Project: The major funding priorities will be directed towards disaster relief or programs that address oral disease prevention, health information promotion, professional education and training, and public relations.
- Size of Population Reached: The larger the number of citizens of the West Coast District Dental Association affected by the project, the higher the funding priority.
- Amount Requested: Due to limited resources, higher priority will be given to funding requests of less than $500. Requests will be rated compared to other organization requests in ascending order ($500-$999, $1000-$4999, $5000-$9999, over $10,000).
- Self-sufficiency: What is the likelihood that the project will be self-perpetuating after the funds are spent should it be funded by the foundation.